Your 2-7 yr Old Floating in   Just 3 Lessons

Are you ready to finally get your child floating so they can progress in their swim lessons?

Gain access to to this 7 part course that reveals how parents are teaching their kids to float in just 3 lessons so they can move forward in their swim lessons. 


Here's what parents are saying about 

Swim to Safety Programs...

As seen on...

"He went from being a kid who didn't want to go in the water to doing it all in just 5 days!"

- Alexia M.

- Dominique H.

"I'm blown away! I can't believe how fast he learned with this program!"

Discover how everyday people just like you, are teaching their own child to float. People like... 

When you join us for our $297 Learn to Float course

I offer you a...

RISK FREE, 90 days, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. 

Bought the course and didn't get to it? I'll refund you

Got into it and decided it wasn't for you? I'll refund you

Tried it and don't see progress? I'll refund you

All the risk is mine here - there will be people who buy, learn, and ask for a refund... but it's worth it to me to help you get your child floating and safer in the water.

Simply email my team - and let them know and we will gladly give you back your money with thanks, just for trying us out.

... And, Because I actually give a FAQ! Your Most Popular Questions Answered:

Have a question you need answered before you enrol in No Fuss Back Floats?

Below is a list of the most common questions I've been asked. If for some odd reason you don't see your question, just reach out to our support team - - or DM us so we can assist you.


What makes the members of your programs and all the testimonials I've seen so successful?

No Fuss Back Floats was specifically designed with parents in mind. What makes THIS program different than the programs at your local swim school can be broken down into three distinct reasons.

#1. METHOD - Beginning with an OBSESSION with why some children have an easy time learning and others take years to master back floats, I set out to create a program that will help you cause a BREAKTHROUGH in results for your child. I don't just give you the steps, you get the experience of watching your child amaze you with what they are capable of.

#2. A CUSTOMISABLE PLAN - You are different, YOUR CHILD is different. No Fuss Back Floats shows you how to adapt my proven, revolutionary method to your parenting style and your child's learning style. Then, you get the EXACT steps necessary to execute your customised plan.

#3. FLEXIBILITY - Your time is important to you and children can sometimes throw plans off. No Fuss Back Floats is COMPLETELY free from a schedule. Practice when you like, as often as you like. No missed lessons, no worrying about the weather, and certainly no make up classes to book.


My child is afraid of the water, will this work for us?

Yes! In fact, one of the biggest breakthroughs you'll experience in No Fuss Back Floats is how quickly your child's fear will subside. I'll show you exactly how to help your child through the fear so they can learn to be calm in the water without relying on all the water play games that produce such slow results in your local lessons.


My child is only 2, will this work for us?

Absolutely! In all my programs children start as young as 12 months and by the age of 2 are often swimming independently. Floating is just one small part of this and with the right method and a trusted loving adult to support them children learn at a much younger age than we would expect.


I don't consider myself to be a strong swimmer, can I still do this?

The entirety of this program is done in shallow water where you can reach the floor but your child can't. You'll be able to stand in the water the whole time. So long as you feel calm and comfortable in the water you can do this.


This sounds overwhelming, how much will we have to practice?

If this program sounds like a beast it might just be because you feel overwhelmed by swimming lessons to begin with. And you're trying to imagine how you'll be able to add this program to your existing "child" related running around.

No Fuss Back Floats is the ANTIDOTE to overwhelming swim lessons. It's a method designed to give your child the calm space, and caring support necessary to learn fast without the stress of being late, missing lessons, or trying to get a spot session after session. 

Also, with fast results you won't be stuck sitting by the pool week after week for months while your child struggles. 

If that wasn't enough, you have LIFETIME ACCESS to No Fuss Back Floats, it's not the type of program that needs to rushed and you can set it aside as needed to fit your busy mom life. 

So, if you can set aside just 10 minutes at a time to review the material and practice with your child you'll see vast improvements in just a few practices.


I'm worried my child won't listen to me or will cry and scream, how will this help?

All of my programs are designed to help you with your child's fear, unwillingness to cooperate, and even - cringe - tantrums about the water. No Fuss Back Floats contains my proven "toddler whisperer" communication model which parents tell me they use ALL the time in and out of the water for smoother communication all over.


What can I expect once I enrol in No Fuss Back Floats?

Once you complete your order, you'll get an email right away with a registration form to fill out. As soon as you submit your form you will receive another email with all your login information.

As soon as you log in, you will get INSTANT LIFETIME ACCESS to the entire course as well as 90 day access to the Private Support Facebook Group and my Private Members Only Chat Group.

No Fuss Back Floats is a digital video training portal. When you join, your purchase includes INSTANT access with lifetime updates to all of the material.


Can my spouse, or another adult share in the teaching?

Any adult that your child trusts can work with them towards success in No Fuss Back Floats. As long as all the adults are comfortable in the water and following the method your child will progress.


What is the guarantee/refund policy for No Fuss Back Floats?

We offer a risk free, 90 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.

Bought the course and didn't get to it? I'll refund you

Got into it and decided it wasn't for you? I'll refund you

Tried it and don't see progress? I'll refund you

Simply email my team - and let them know and we will gladly give you back your money with thanks, just for trying us out.


Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

As a member of No Fuss Back Floats, I want you to know "I've got you!" You have THREE unique ways to get the support and feedback you need!

#1. The Private (Members-Only) Parent Instructors Facebook Group where you can post your wins, struggles, or questions and get help from other parents teaching their children water skills; and

#2. The Private Members-Only Group Chat where myself or another certified Swim to Safety Coach will answer your questions, give feedback on your practice footage, or celebrate your win with you. 

#3. My Support Team - Any "technical" issues about your membership (login, billing, etc.) can be addressed immediately by Monica and our Support Team at any time!

For technical issues, please contact Monica at


When will this program be available again? Can I join anytime?

If you don't think now is the right time to do this consider this...

When will it be the right time? Do you know? If you don't know, how long have you been putting off making a change to the approach for your child? How much longer are you willing to put it off?

Starting a new program, making a change to the way you are approaching something, is a lot like having kids, you know you want it, but the truth is: the time is NEVER perfect is it? 

But, when you get clear on what you want, and you get committed to making it happen, you MAKE the time. And that's a choice you're going to to make right now...are you going to continue to drag your child to lessons week after week for little to no progress or are you going to MAKE it happen?

© Swim to Safety 2024. All Rights Reserved

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I have helped thousands of parents get their children floating in just a 3 lessons, and now it's your turn!

Parents pay me anywhere from $2-6000 to work with their children one on one. Ninety minutes in the water with me costs $1750.

My courses and programs cost more than your local swim lessons and they always will. 

But over the last several years I've seen children really struggling with back floats and it stops them from moving forward in their lessons and learning to swim. They stay stuck, and parents have to bring them to lesson after lesson feeling frustrated with the lack of progress when they just want their child to be safe.

Which means, if they never learn to float they won't be taught to swim...which means you'll never have the peace of mind you're looking for by the water. 

That's why I want to get this program into as many homes as possible, so I can help you get your child through this milestone quickly and move on to other activities. 

So tell me...are you in?!

So Now It's Time for You to Choose...

I can keep telling you how amazing this program is and keep showing you how other parents are doing but it's time to choose... 

You can keep doing what you're doing. Keep registering for local swim lessons, spend week after week by the pool watching your child struggle to learn, and spend your precious time and money on lessons that won't get your child where you want them or...

If you know you want your child to move forward in their lessons, then your choice is obvious: Join No Fuss Back Floats and start helping your child transform their relationship to the water. 

Simply click the button below and my Team and I will be there to help you get your child floating.

But Choose Quickly Because I Won't Be Offering No Fuss Back Floats at this Price for Long...

On Aug 31st at midnight the course will go back to it's full price of $297 and I'm not sure I'll offer it this low again. 

I get it, you're frustrated that your child STILL can't float...

And if you're like my other clients then you're probably sick of having to enrol your child in session after session only to have them fail the same level over and over. 

You'd probably prefer not to be dragging your child to lessons they don't want to go to and you're wondering how long you can keep this up. 

Most parents think "it will get better with time" or "I just need to find the right instructor" but...

 I bet you hate sitting by the noisy pool week after week, watching your baby struggle like that just as much as they hate their lessons.

The truth is - these lessons are killing your child's self-esteem and teaching them not to listen to their instincts but what are you supposed to do?

You hate yourself for making them go but you feel torn because they HAVE to learn to swim, you need them to be safe.

I can't tell you how many of my clients come to me in tears thinking they are bad parents for making their child continue with lessons. 

I get it, and it's not your fault.

We have been taking our children to these lessons since the 30's. And most children eventually learn to swim this way but as you'll quickly learn, it doesn't have to take this long or be this painful

Because - we know more about emotional health and early childhood development than ever before now.

The thing is... if you continue down this path your child may suffer from the lessons, never learning to be truly calm in the water, statistically putting them at a higher risk of drowning.

But it doesn't have to be this way...

Here's the TRUTH:

Show me JUST ONE kid who will gladly put themselves into what they feel to be a dangerous situation - that wasn't coached to do so.

You can't!

That's because humans are born with a natural survival instinct, in this case; an innate respect for the water that is designed to keep them safe.

Add to this adults telling them to be careful around pools, they learn very quickly to listen to that instinct and that the water is a dangerous place. 

Your local lessons try to teach children to be comfortable in the water without any skills and your child is NOT stupid. 

Your child knows that they can't keep themselves safe in the water. And, children can take some time to warm up to new people - even if you tell them it's ok. 

And, so your child doesn't allow the instructor to help them learn because they don't trust them. 

So who do they trust? YOU! 

In this course, I'm going to teach you everything that teenaged instructor knows about teaching a child to float and so much more...

And to make this an easy choice, I'm going to offer the best guarantee I've ever offered, which puts all the risk of your investment on me. 

since your child isn't able to trust themselves in the water, they HAVE to be able to trust their instructor. Without trust they are simply being worn-down into learning.





Sale CLOSES Aug 31st @ 11:59 pm EST