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Mini Course Today and
Unlock the Secret to 
Helping Your Child Float in Just 3 Lessons!
For parents who are DONE 
with swim lesson frustration 
and want their child to progress in swimming lessons!

“He went from being a kid who didn’t want to go in the water to floating and swimming in just 5 days!”

Alexia M. - Mom of two

Dominique H. - Boy mom

"I'm blown away! I can't believe how fast he learned to float with this program!"

"Three practices and my daughter is floating! 

Actually legit floating!"

Elisabetta T. - Mom and Teacher

How I help parents teach their 1-7 year olds to float in just 3 lessons, even if they are afraid...

Selena Willows, March 12, 2024

Hi, I'm Selena.

Here’s the brutal truth about teaching a child to float, swim, and become capable in the water.

Your child isn't going to magically stop crying or stay in their back because you enrolled them in yet another session with a new instructor.

In order for your child to learn they need emotional support...which is hard because you can't help from the sidelines...

And so, as parents, we feel frustrated and don't know how to help... 

So we keep doing what all the other parents are doing...but it takes a lot of time and energy, and it's not improving your child's relationship with the water any.

Some parents hire private instructor after private instructor until they find one they like...they think "if I can just find the RIGHT fit my child will learn".

Some parents sign up for session after session of community lessons despite having to sit by the pool week after week watching their child struggle for very little progress.

The truth is that both can work but they still leave you stuck at the pool week after week as your child SLOWLY moves through the levels. Keeping them and you from other activities.

So what's the alternative?

I'm giving away my bag of super simple information that will show you EXACTLY how to help your child through this first part of learning to swim - FLOATING!

In it you'll learn:
 ✅ The TRUTH about floating that no one will actually tell you,  

 ✅ The #1 MISTAKE that delays learning to float for years, and

 ✅ My TESTED and PROVEN simplification for getting your child comfortable in a float.

If you're serious about getting your child floating already, and saving time and frustration in the process... learn these 3 pieces of information, use them in the water playing with your child, and before you know it you'll have gotten rid of the hesitation and the frustration for good, allowing your child to move forward with their lessons so they can finally learn to swim and you can finally move on to all the other fun things you want to explore together. 

Ready to get your child floating?!

Yes! Send Me the Video Now!

Your child needs to work with someone they feel they can trust.... someone they know who can help them through the scary parts of learning to swim.

And I can teach you how to be their champion. I can teach you the tricks and tips I  learned after over 29 years of coaching children in the water, and over 9 years refining my method which teaches children aged 1 to 6 to swim in just 3 practices.